Digital system process binary information electronically through specialized circuits designed for handling digital information. These circuits as mentioned earlier operate with two voltage values of +5 volts and 0 volts. These specialized electronic circuits are known as Logic Gates and are considered to be the Basic Building Blocks of any Digital circuit.
The commonly used Logic Gates are the AND gate, the OR gate and the Inverter or NOT Gate. Other gates that are frequently used include NOR, NAND, XOR and XNOR. Each of these gates is designed to perform a unique operation on the input information which is known as a logical or Boolean operation.
Large and complex digital system such as a computer is built using combinations of these basic Logic Gates. These basic building blocks are available in the form of Integrated Circuit or ICs. These gates are implemented using standard CMOS and TTL technologies that determine the operational characteristics of the gates such as the power dissipation, operational voltages (3.3v or 5 v), frequency response etc.
The commonly used Logic Gates are the AND gate, the OR gate and the Inverter or NOT Gate. Other gates that are frequently used include NOR, NAND, XOR and XNOR. Each of these gates is designed to perform a unique operation on the input information which is known as a logical or Boolean operation.
Large and complex digital system such as a computer is built using combinations of these basic Logic Gates. These basic building blocks are available in the form of Integrated Circuit or ICs. These gates are implemented using standard CMOS and TTL technologies that determine the operational characteristics of the gates such as the power dissipation, operational voltages (3.3v or 5 v), frequency response etc.
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